Just a Little Update!

3 min readJun 24, 2021


Hello All!

As you may have seen, we are exceptionally busy on all fronts. However, it has been a while and we wanted to just share progress and updates with you.


This is coming along beautifully! Our Devs have done a cracking job! We were lucky enough to go through a demo yesterday, and we are in the process of tweaking a few aspects. Once these tweaks have been made, we will be sharing it with our team of testers to ensure everything is working as it should! Expected deployment is mid next week, but if it is ready sooner, we won’t hold back from you!

Extra Secret Sauce in our Recipe

When our marketplace is up and running, we have hinted that there is added utility which will be announced shortly after. What we can say is it sets our marketplace and NFT minting function apart from everyone else. It is disruptive, it is exciting, and we cannot wait to share this with you!


Development of this work of art has been coming along really well and it is a monster!!! So much so, we had to up the anti and hire additional developers to keep everything on track. We also raised the advisor count hired and professional social media and community management team! There are now over 20 full time staff working on this project, with an additional 10 part-time staff. What times these are!

We also gave ya a little inside information, the flow chart which goes through the flow of tokens and revenue generation across the first crash game, the AMM and staking platform and an affiliate portal. It is quite intensive, however, a GitBook is in development which will assist in the navigation of the information. Just in case you haven’t seen it yet, here is the link:


For more information on BUST be sure to check out our medium posts, not only are they an entertaining read, but they also have really great information for you.


Alrighty! So the much talked about and long ago promised Air Drop of MFRM tokens to our Ape holders is now completed! We originally promised 1 MFRM per wallet holder, however, we decided it made sense for us to share and care about our APE family and sent you 10 MFRM each. Have a look see 😊 We considered all holders right up until the 15th June 2021.

That’s about it for the time being, however, bigger news and more exciting updates are just around the corner ladies and gents!

Website: https://apecoin.dev/

Twitter: @Go_APEcoin

Telegram: t.me/APEcoin_Chat

🐒 APE contract address — 0xa9ea4b786ee5b7a733c035564bfd9341a4c9fc1e

🐒 APE on PANCAKESWAP — https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xa9ea4b786ee5b7a733c035564bfd9341a4c9fc1e

📈 APE price chart — https://goswapp-bsc.web.app/0xa9ea4b786ee5b7a733c035564bfd9341a4c9fc1e

🐒 APE on BSCSCAN — https://bscscan.com/address/0xa9ea4b786ee5b7a733c035564bfd9341a4c9fc1e

🐒 APE farming — https://memefarm.io

Website: memefarm.io

Twitter: @Go_MemeFarm

Telegram: t.me/APEcoin_Chat

🚜 MFRM contract address — 0x206340f3361404910f45ca0893980ef3f9b418ea

🚜 MFRM on PANCAKESWAP — https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x206340f3361404910f45ca0893980ef3f9b418ea

📈 MFRM price chart — https://goswapp-bsc.web.app/0x206340f3361404910f45ca0893980ef3f9b418ea

🚜 MFRM on BSCSCAN — https://bscscan.com/address/0x206340f3361404910f45ca0893980ef3f9b418ea

🚜 MFRM farming — https://memefarm.io

Website: https://busta.gg

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BUSTA_GameFi

Medium: https://bustaofficial.medium.com/

📙 Gitbook: https://docs.busta.gg/

📺 YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/BUSTA-YOUTUBE


🏆 TG Quiz: https://t.me/BUSTA_QUIZ



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